Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gerson Therapy Care Giving

Successful Vegan Therapy Healing The Body from the Inside ~ Out

Trained as a licenced Gerson Therapy Caregiver in 2009, Valerie understands how to teach clients and their support team how to follow the Gerson Therapy Protocol in the privacy of their own home.

Using the book, Healing the Gerson Way written by Charlotte Gerson as a guideline for the daily diet and supplementation schedule, Valerie coached clients and their family about:

  • local organic shopping
  • kitchen and pantry organization
  • juicing and meal planning
  • volunteer management
  • daily detoxification therapies, and much more.
It is possible for anyone to follow this strict therapy by using the book and a few other resources provided in the Gerson web store.

If you are considering the Gerson protocol on your self healing path you can call the Gerson Institute in San Diego California and sign up for phone coaching, for a fee.  Check out their web site for an array of options to educate you concerning the entire protocol.  I would suggest reading Charlotte Gerson's book Healing the Gerson Way before moving ahead.  It is important for you to understand the requirements to follow this strict protocol before you begin.  There is also an option to receive treatment in their clinic in Tijuana Mexico.

Check out more about this licenced program through The Gerson Institute
If you are interested in hiring a Gerson Therapy Care Giver, please contact the Gerson Institute for a current referral list.  Valerie has not paid the annual fee to remain on their referral list.

Valerie can assist clients in organizing, preparing and shopping for any dietary protocol they wish to follow.  

** I will suggest that your health care provider be in agreement with any dietary plan before making any changes, especially if you have been exposed to chemotherapy or radiation treatments.**

Fresh daily juicing heals body and soul !

1 comment:

  1. Self healing technology taps the power of the brain and accelerates healing. It has been found that self healing is associated with certain brain wave frequencies and when these frequencies are induced, they accelerate the healing procedure.

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